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プログラムと要旨( 11月12日, 11月13日, 11月14日)   ポスター発表  

討論会プログラム 第二日 11月13日(木)

The 47th Annual Meeting of The NMR Society of Japan
会期 11月12日(水)〜11月14日(金)
Period November 12-14, 2008
会場 筑波大学 大学会館講堂
Venue University of Tsukuba (Auditorium)

第二日 11月13日(木)

Day 2: November 13 (Thursday)

Chairperson  Masatsune Kainosho
2L1   Invited Lecture
Understanding the Molecular Level Events in the Non-Classical Pathway of Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor

○Chin Yu
(National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan))

Chairperson  Ichio Shimada
2L2   The molecular morphology analysis of proteins using the orientation induced TROSY shift changes
○Shin-ichi Tate1,2
(Hiroshima University1, PRESTO/JST2)

2L3   Investigating protein three-dimensional structures inside living cells by in-cell NMR spectroscopy
○Yutaka Ito1,2,3, Daisuke Sakakibara1,2, Atsuko Sasaki1,2, Teppei Ikeya1,4, Junpei Hamatsu1, Masaki Mishima1,2, Tsutomu Mikawa3, Markus Waelchli5, Brian O. Smith6, Masahiro Shirakawa2,7, Peter Güntert1,4
(Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University1, CREST/JST2, Research Group for Bio-supramolecular Structure-Function, RIKEN3, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt4, Bruker BioSpin5, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow6, Department of Molecular Engineering, Kyoto University7)

10:55-11:10       ------Coffee Break------

Chairperson  Kiyonori Takegoshi
2L4   Structures of Silks and Silk-like Materials studied with Solid-state NMR, and Application to Biomaterials
○Kazuo Yamauchi1, Yumi Tanioka1, Toshiki Tamura 2, Yasumoto Nakazawa3, Tetsuo Asakura1,3
(Department of Biotechnology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology1, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences2, Nature and Science Museum, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology3)

2L5   Invited Lecture
NMR Powder Crystallography

○Lyndon Emsley
(University of Lyon (France))

Meeting of the Council of The NMR Society of Japan

Meeting of the Directors of The NMR Society of Japan

Chairperson  Fumiyuki Mitsumori
2L6   Invited Lecture
Detecting Fleeting MRI Signals Using Frequency-Modulated (FM) Radio Waves

○Michael Garwood
(University of Minnesota (USA))

Chairperson  Yoji Arata
2L7   Honorary Lecture
My Research with ESR, NMR and MRI

○Tokuko Watanabe
(Aoyama Gakuin Women's Junior College)

15:10-15:30       ------Coffee Break------

Chairperson  Takehiko Terao
2L8   Invited Lecture
Hyperpolarized Singlet State NMR and Intermolecular Multiple-Quantum Coherence Imaging with Anisotropic

○Warren S. Warren
(Duke University (USA))

2L9   Solid-state NMR Analysis of Membrane Protein and High-field DNP
○Toshimichi Fujiwara1, Hiroki Takahashi1, Ayako Egawa1, Miwako Saeki1, Hideo Akutsu1, Kokoro Hayashi2, Chojiro Kojima2, Toshitaka Idehara3, Isamu Ogawa3, Mitsuru Toda4
(Osaka University1, Nara Institute of Science and Technology2, University of Fukui3, JEOL Ltd.4)

Chairperson  Isao Ando
2L10   Probing DNP Enhancements for Biological Applications
○Ulrich L. Günther
(University of Birmingham (UK))

2L11   Invited Lecture
Dipole Recoupling and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at High Magnetic Fields

○Robert G. Griffin

18:00 Banquet (On-Campus Restaurant "Plaza")

化学専攻 生物無機化学研究室
Tel/Fax: 029-853-6521 
E-mail: nmr47@chem.tsukuba.ac.jp